Flannel Moth  - credit: ggallice
Let's start with the most surprising in both looks and toxicity. The puss caterpillar (also called southern flannel moth, pussy moth, tree asp, and asp caterpillar) looks more like a miniature tribble from Star Trek than a larvae, and is just begging to be pet. But it is far from being as cuddly as tribbles. In fact, if you were to touch the puss moth caterpillar you'd get the surprise of your life.
Poisonous spines hidden in the touchably fuzzy surface of the caterpillar will break off and lodge in the skin releasing venom into your system. 
Saddle back - credit: Gerald J. Lenhard, Louiana State Univ
The saddleback caterpillar makes it easy for you to spot and avoid touching it with its ridiculously bright coloring. And trust me, you'll be glad for the help in seeing and keeping away from this think. The fleshy horns that sit puffy-piggy-tail-like at each end of the body are covered in hairs that secrete venom. Brushing up against them causes pain as strong as that from a bee sting, swelling, nausea and a rash that will last for several days.
See more phoos at: Tree Hugger

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