The penguins

Most penguins, such as these emperor penguins, live in colonies, which can consist of hundreds of thousands of birds. 
Penguins cannot fly but they sometimes leap into the water from icebergs.

In The Chill

You have to be pretty tough to survive the freezing temparatures of the Antarctic. But some birds not only survive but thrive in the chill.

Water Wings

Penguins may look clumsy on land and cant even make it into the air, but in the water they are master swimmers. They use their wings as flippers and their tail and feet to steer.

Keeping Warm

To keep them warm in the snow and icy water, penguins have a dense covering of waterproof feathers and many layers of fat.

Penguin Predators

This Antarctic Skua lives on or near the ice in Antarctica and nests at the coast. It eats penguin eggs and even baby penguins if they are left unguarded.

Penguins feet are positioned so far back that when they stand upright, they have to use their tail to balance or they would topple over backwards. 

In very cold conditions chicks and penguins huddle together for warmth.

Penguins Parents

King penguins tuck their egg under their bellies resting it on their feet. The parents take turns to look after it. When king penguin chicks are born they are covered in brown, downy feathers.

The chicks must be fed until they grow adult,  waterproof feathers.

Slip - sliding around

Penguins find it hard to walk, so they often slide on their belly over snow and ice, pushing with their flippers and feet.

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